
pam_tally2 리눅스 패스워드 잠금해제(잠김)

Fehoon- 2021. 12. 15. 13:16
  • man 설명
       pam_tally2 - The login counter (tallying) module

SYNOPSIS [file=/path/to/counter] [onerr=[fail|succeed]]
                     [magic_root] [even_deny_root] [deny=n] [lock_time=n]
                     [unlock_time=n] [root_unlock_time=n] [serialize] [audit]
                     [silent] [no_log_info]

       pam_tally2 [--file /path/to/counter] [--user username] [--reset[=n]]

       This module maintains a count of attempted accesses, can reset count on
       success, can deny access if too many attempts fail.

       pam_tally2 comes in two parts: and pam_tally2. The former
       is the PAM module and the latter, a stand-alone program.  pam_tally2 is
       an (optional) application which can be used to interrogate and
       manipulate the counter file. It can display users' counts, set
       individual counts, or clear all counts. Setting artificially high
       counts may be useful for blocking users without changing their
       passwords. For example, one might find it useful to clear all counts
       every midnight from a cron job.

       Normally, failed attempts to access root will not cause the root
       account to become blocked, to prevent denial-of-service: if your users
       aren't given shell accounts and root may only login via su or at the
       machine console (not telnet/rsh, etc), this is safe.


  • 패스워드를 몇번이나 틀렸는지 확인 가능

pam_tally2 reset (패스워드 잠김(잠금) 해제)

  • pam_tally2 --user 유저아이디 --reset
$pam_tally2 --user userid --reset